02 December 2007

Tweed Boxer Shorts Update

As you may have heard, I have decided for the time being to dispense with my bespoke Harris Tweed Boxer Shorts, as I have been plagued for the last few days by an alarmingly persistent case of itchiness and chaffing. I will keep you updated.


  1. Maybe tweed isn`t the best material for underwear? Sophisticted adn inspiring blog!

  2. I think tweed is perfect. Have you also considered the tweed and grosgrain cock ring?

  3. I'm sick with worry.

  4. Thank you for your concern, but please do not worry on my account. The blisters have subsided, I am happy to report. Although my tailor says I can go back to wearing Tweed boxer shorts in a matter of weeks, I remain hesitant.
