03 May 2008

Baja Surf Trad

When the times get tough, it's time to get going. To Mexico, that is, for some much-needed rest and relaxation.

The last few months in the market have been punishing. Market volatility has stoked fear amongst investors. The strains of new business development, coupled with ongoing client service, have taken a toll. And so we're going on holiday, again.

But this excursion also has a more professional objective. As luck would have it, my very good chum is in the process of introducing a new line of bikinis. Part of our trip therefore will include a thorough analysis of the local bikini market. Extensive data gathering and beta testing will need to be performed. I have volunteered to conduct all field research operations, a task to which I am well-suited.

If you go to the beach in Cabo and you spot a tall, tanned, tweedy-looking fellow holding a G&T in each hand, and surrounded by a gaggle of young surf hotties, that's me.

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