12 November 2008

British Style Genius- The Street Look (BBC)


  1. Being in the UK at the moment has a benefit - i was able to see the whole 5 part series. It was excellent, very well researched with good interviews and amazing old footage. I think it was the 3rd programme that focused on Savile Row. Hope it is shown in the US, makes compelling viewing if you are interested in clothes. I see nothing escapes the Admiral's antennae...

  2. Interesting, I've caught a bit of this on TV here and thought if felt as if it was made for American viewers, in other words not worth the licence fee...

  3. Funny - The new Social Suicide line is referential to this entire history as well. Check it out: http://socialsuicide.co.uk/collections/this-season/

    Thanks for posting.

  4. Thanks for posting. I'd searched a couple of times for the series, to no avail.

  5. Thanks for this. Had heard about it, but being here in the States...
