19 January 2009

Born Mufti: George Adamson

The photograph (left) depicts George Adamson (1906-1989), the renowned East African game ranger, conservationist, author, and film maker. Born in India and educated at public school in England, at age 18 he went to British East Africa (Kenya) to work on a coffee plantation. After trying various professions, he settled on a career as a game warden with the Kenya Game Department. He retired in 1961 to a reserve to care for his growing collection of lions. His life with these animals resulted in, amongst others, the well-known movie Born Free. Adamson was assassinated by Somali bandits in 1989. In the illustration he is depicted wearing what appears to be a tweed jacket in a tickweave pattern, a shirt with a spread collar, grey flannel trousers, and the tie of the East African Wildlife Society. If a rugged chap who spends his life in the bush with lions can look presentable, surely we can too. What is our excuse?


  1. Bravo, Admiral! an excellent post. I am drawn to Mr Adamson's beautiful face: open, kind, patient, full of wisdom and sensitivity. Surely a sign of a life well-lived?
