09 April 2009

Occidental Dandy-Club


  1. what's that about? do you have some information? that would be great, thanks

  2. Admiral, you're an enigma.

  3. anonymous english female10 April, 2009 11:10

    This image conjurs all sorts of images and memories. as a child i loved the story of Romulus and Remus (as an adult i still do); Munich is one of my favourite cities, it is beautiful and full of interesting things to do and elegantly attired people at all times of year; Beau Brummel is one of my heroes so if ever i was invited to join a Dandy Club i would be delighted and honoured. Yet, of course, what it evokes for me has absolutely nothing to do the real meaning of this image and the Admiral's reason's for posting.

  4. Still Waiting on the Capetown List.... Please!

  5. CC ~ For nightlife in Cape Town, you must go to Long Street. When I lived there, that's where I spent my time. There are excellent restaurants, bars, and clubs, with a sort of trendy, alternative, edgy atmosphere. New bars and clubs open up all the time. There was an excellent Indian restaurant on Long that my friends and I went to all the time; can't recall the name of it though. There are even a couple of nice cigar lounges for a quiet smoke and a drink. For books, try Clarke's Books and Long Street Bookshop. The V&A Waterfront is a bit of a tourist trap, but also has a bunch of bars and restaurants. There is a large upstairs brewery/sports bar there where we used to watch the rugby. Past the waterfront you come to Clifton and Camps Bay, beach suburbs that boast a number of quieter restaurants and beach bars. Clifton in particular will remind you of a Southern California beach community.

  6. Admiral is clearly a 'transcendental fascist' - which is a good thing.

  7. To Herr Holger -

    'transcendental fascist'?? and all the while i've been supposing the Admiral is merely a transplanted WASP with a predilection for the peregrine and exotic...

  8. I would hate to make assumptions about the Admiral as I have never met him, but the tantalising glimpses of esoterica that the Admiral treats us to seem to indicate a fellow eloquent with Evola, Mishima, Spengler, D'Annunzio, DeBenoist et al. I like to think I can spot a fellow Rad Trad when I see one!

    Contre Le Monde Moderne indeed!
