04 May 2010

Bertie Wooster: Floor Plan


  1. While I appreciate this, and it matches my recollection of the video series, I am left wondering where's Jeeves' bit of real estate? Or did he have quarters on another floor?

  2. I love this. I'm surprised I haven't seen it on some hipster's t-shirt in Williamsburg.

  3. Tintin,
    Are you referring to Williamsburg, Virginia?

  4. i think that Jeeves just disappeared at night like a fairy- only someone with magical powers could keep Bertie out of that amount of scrapes!

  5. Where did Wooster keep the whiskey?

  6. I'd like to think that Jeeves slept in an oblong overhead kitchen cupboard like a vampire in his coffin, ready to jump back into action at a moments notice.

  7. What-ho! Jolly good post, old nut!

  8. Good effort, but please forgive me for pointing out that you have the pianoforte back-to-front. The long side (bass notes) should be on the left-hand side as seen by the player. The instrument will have been positioned in the room so that the lid can be opened, reflecting the sound into the space for the benefit of an audience.
    Kind regards - S
