01 July 2010

La caduta degli dei (Official Trailer)


  1. Sometimes my life seems to me like the images presented in that trailer…

    I have read Berger's (auto) biography 'Ich' some time ago and must say that it was quite enjoyable. Especially interesting to me was the description of his jet-setting endeavours in the 60s and 70s, centred around Roman night- life.

  2. I did not know the Nazi party was all about spoiled cross dressers. I did not see any of this in Inglourious Basterds. They did wear nice clothes though, except for the woman's lingerie.
    Was Cary Grant then a Nazi,(and I always liked him too)?
    "CARY GRANT—Although Grant, who is fifty-six, favors such abominations as large tie knots and claims to have originated the square-style breast-pocket handerchief, he is so extraordinarily attractive that he looks good in practically anything. He insists upon tight armholes in his suit jackets, finds the most comfortable (and functional) of all underwear to be women's nylon panties...".
