03 July 2010

Royall Lyme Bermuda Ltd.

When I am not wearing Creed, 1872, or Trumper scents, I often reach for a bottle from Royall Lyme Bermuda Limited. I first tried Royall fragrances as a young prep in a Tweed of three colours. I recall finding them at local men's shops in Connecticut and New York. Did Brooks Brothers stock Royall at one time? I wonder.

I like Royall Muske, which remains my favourite to this day. It is subtle enough, I think, to wear to the office on occasion, though I am careful as always to achieve a very moderate effect in light of its potential influence on women, which, along with the trad charm, impressive physique, and deep blue eyes, can be rather considerable. From the website:

"This hauntingly exotic fragrance intrigues with its lingering scent from the grain secreted by the shy Asian male musk deer to attract the female of his species. The Ancients used musk as an aphrodisiac. Royall's is mixed with harmonious aromatics to create its own uniquely masculine allure. Try it and experience the results for yourself!"

Sounds enticing enough, if a little mysterious; some things are better left uninvestigated. In summer months I sometimes switch to Royall Lyme, a light lime scent that goes well with lawn parties and cocktail receptions overlooking the ocean, where you will find that the young brunette hottie who keeps pressing her lithe figure against you will suddenly kiss your neck and tell you you smell good. And isn't that what it is all about?


  1. Oh I haven't smelled Royall Lyme in decades. For some reason it reminds me of the mid-1970s. I'm sure that your young hottie brunette will appreciate it!

  2. I was good with getting some of this, but after reading I realized my wife: as a lithe extremely jealous blond, while dining out at lawn parties with me, would wind up killing me...

    "...where you will find that the young brunette hottie who keeps pressing her lithe figure against you will suddenly kiss your neck and tell you you smell good..."

  3. I'm sorry... I never do that sort of thing, but I was quite overcome with the whole effect. :-)

  4. B2, at least in TN, still stocks it.

  5. I'm afraid Brooks Brothers no longer stocks the real McCoy. I discovered to my dismay that the bottle I recently bought stated that it was made in the USA (New Jersey?). Additionally, on a evening that I happened to be wearing it in rather close proximity to a lady, she complained that it smelled of medicine. It was promptly returned. I have very fond memories of sailing to Bermuda and a summer spent in the Royal Navy Dockyard. I was able to visit the perfumery and gift shop in Hamilton. I do wish that the original was still available.


  6. I've always loved the Lyme and Bay Rhum fragrances. It's easily found and always on my Christmas wish list.

  7. Royall fragrances are still available at Brooks and other habadaseries (Andover Shop, Cable Car Clothiers, Murrays). Still smell good as ever.

  8. They are still available, but sadly, they are no longer produced in Bermuda and the quality has gone done. I initially assumed that they outsourced production to the US to keep up with demand and lower shipping costs. However, I have since found that a NJ company bought the full production rights. Too bad, used to be a great product.

  9. Dismayed...

    As a loyal user for over 20 years I can assure you it is not even close to the original product. Gone are the rich and exotic spices,the refreshing, long lasting masculine scent.
    Now it is watered down alcohol with some weak fragrance. What a shame this new company ruined this formerly superb product.
