10 September 2010

Elephant Polo Wallah


  1. LBT: Stretching my mind once again - not sure of what I think about using Elephas maximus (these are Asians, aren't they?) in this manner - gut reaction is that the goal is worthy - and excellent viewing. May be my adversity to ethnocentrism, but it might be a much better game without the riders - maybe play half the chukkas with Elephas alone?

  2. The point of polo is riding off your opponent, hitting and passing the ball and scoring at SPEED.
    Sorry, but where's the fun in elephant polo?

  3. The point of polo is to provide an excuse for people to dress up, mingle with attractive beautifully-dressed people, and drink.

  4. My comment was made as a player not as an observer. Now that my polo playing years are way behind me, yes, the point is to dress up and mingle with a drink in hand. Ponies, elephants, goats whatever.

  5. Glad you left polo behind. In polo the players are the servants, the hired entertainers, the monkeys that dance for the crowd. They are practically irrelevant to the event. I once took polo lessons and couldn't stand it. I simply can't tolerate horses, nor people who like horses.
