04 September 2010

J.R.R. Tolkien: In His Own Words (BBC Archives)


  1. I used to cycle past the end of Sandfield Road, where Tolkien lived, every day on my way to school in Oxford in the 1960s (I was in the same form as one of Tolkien's grandsons). In the end, having read 'The Hobbit' and 'Lord of the Rings', I sent him a fan letter. I still have his reply: gentle, amusing and kind.

    Though, I must admit, nowadays when I reread LotR, I skip the elvish bits ('Not another f**king elf, etc.).


  2. To this day, "Lord of the Rings" trilogy is my favorite reading of all time....I loved this clip...bravo.

  3. The Master himself! What a creative genius!
