19 November 2010

American Romance: Too Many Brides, Not Enough Wives


  1. OMG, you're so right. All the emphasis is placed on the wedding without thought to the next 30 or so years.
    All women want to be brides, it's the wife part that's not so enticing!

  2. ...being in the husband part for those isn't that great either!

  3. Great post and unfortunately too true, not just in the US either.

  4. I can't sleep. I've entertained for the past three days. If there's a nice way to tell guests to go home, then I need to perfect it. Now, I can't seem to unwind . . . so reading . . .
    this post. Please, please say it isn't so. The same can be said of men. Too many grooms but not enough husbands. However, women dream of weddings and men don't. My 5 yr old has been talking about her wedding for over a year now. She's planning on having dolphins swimming as part of the display. Everyone gets to leave with a pet of their choice and boys aren't invited!!
