12 November 2010

New & Lingwood: The Knightsbridge

The Knightsbridge jacket from New & Lingwood. Does this ensemble work for you? It certainly does for me. But I could not tell you why. Perhaps it is the daring mixture of different patterns: thick chalkstripe, tattersall shirt, English Madder tie, polka dots. In theory it should not work. And yet... Or maybe it is the tie bar at jaunty angle? Men's tie bar accessories are going through something of a resurgence at the moment with the trad fashion set, but as always I avoid silly consumer trends. The Knightsbridge is an odd jacket so one can assume the trousers would be rather plain, a counterweight to the frivolity on top. Unlike some I have no objection to chaps wearing striped odd jackets. I have done so myself and not only at Henley. I once met an ex-City banker who went fly-fishing kitted out in one of his old pin-striped suit jackets, which for some might be taking it too far.


  1. I always like wearing pattern shirts with pinstripe, but the cut of that jacket is made for you young whippersnappers not for old codgers like me who have passed the middle age "thickening" process.

  2. i like the jacket, nice blog, i just found it today, a new daily stop, i like your style!

  3. The mix has a bit too much personality for me, it's screaming, I went to public school ok? I'm not a dirty gypo!

  4. Tabitha ~ Fair enough point. But I suppose it’s better than an outfit that screams "I live on a council estate" or "I have three children by three different black baby daddies and I have numerous STDs".

  5. Admiral, I like this. It's classic yet unexpected - always a good thing in my book.
    But Tabitha - there really is absolutely nothing wrong is having gone to public school, some of us just can't help it. But nowadays in a country where 98% of the population has indoor plumbing and soap is readily and cheaply available nobody should have to be a dirty gypo....

  6. Never wear stripes and checks together

  7. "Tabitha ~ Fair enough point. But I suppose it’s better than an outfit that screams "I live on a council estate" or "I have three children by three different black baby daddies and I have numerous STDs"."

    - I wonder if Laguna Beach Fogey wrote that because he believes having three children by three different white baby daddies and numerous STDs would be perfectly acceptable?
    Does it make any difference if the "baby daddies" are from Laguna Beach, regardless of their race?

    Nice jacket, by the way.

  8. "Tabitha ~ Fair enough point. But I suppose it’s better than an outfit that screams "I live on a council estate" or "I have three children by three different black baby daddies and I have numerous STDs"."

    - I wonder if Laguna Beach Fogey wrote that because he believes having three children by three different white baby daddies and numerous STDs would be perfectly acceptable?
    Does it make any difference if the "baby daddies" are from Laguna Beach, regardless of their race?

    Nice jacket, by the way.
