03 December 2010

Haslam on Cufflinks

"And I hate cufflinks. I think they're very ageing. And also, cufflinks were meant for when the cuffs of the shirt were stiff, and you couldn't do up the buttons; for evening wear. You should never wear cufflinks in the day time. It looks terrible."

Nicky Haslam, The Observer, Sunday 11 May 2008


  1. It's great that you quoted Nicky Haslam. He is my favourite interior designer! I laughed out loud a few weeks ago while I was reading his most amusing article in the FT Weekend called The Comfort Zone! He's incredibly witty and erudite...it goes without saying he has a great taste!

    His article, The Comfort Zone is available in his website in case you're interested:


  2. Ps. This is his blog:


  3. .....writes Nicky Haslam (age 104).

    F E von S

  4. I love Nicky Haslem and his work even though he thinks Scottish accents are common. I don't like cufflinks either but then I don't like jewellery on myself, I prefer simplicity.

  5. I adore cufflinks and wear them all the time. They don't age me at all.
    To hell with Haslam.

  6. 'but a dandy can never be a vulgar man' - Charles Baudelaire.
    Admiral, do you think Baudelaire wore cufflinks?

  7. A.E.F. ~ Of course he did not and any information to the contrary is just propaganda from the cufflinks industry.


  8. "propaganda from the cufflinks industry" ???
    Apparently I missed that while out to lunch.

  9. Nicky Haslam as an arbiter of male dress? This is too funny.

    What's next -- Keith Richards on haircuts?

  10. One can be a talented designer and raconteur and still be absolutely wrong about cufflinks.

    And anyone who saw Haslam with his hair dyed shoe polish black and matching leather pants only a few short years ago knows he's not infallible.

  11. Cufflinks are common as muck.
