12 December 2010

Royal Engagement


  1. The photographer was able to capture Kate's beauty, but William, a handsome young man with his mother's good genes, has been turned into a someone who looks looks like a commoner trying to hide his discomfort with a forced horsey grin.

  2. Swelligent.

    P.S., What exactly does a commoner look like?

  3. She is truly lovely. Obviously there wasn't too much inbreeding in her family.

  4. Death Bredon:

    The point is not what a commoner looks like. The point is that an aristocrat never shows discomfort, even if he feels it.

  5. Why all the concern here about inbreeding? If you want to be clinical and 'scientifical' about it, William and Kate are excellent examples of, yes, 'good genes' and select breeding over many centuries. For European peoples today the greatest danger is wanton outbreeding--or mixing--with hominids of incompatible genetic, biological, cultural, and sartorial configurations. William and Kate's decision to marry therefore makes them wonderful role models for young Westerners contemplating family formation.


  6. Hemophilia is a non-concern compared to the host of deficiencies carried by the barbarian hordes which infest the West.

  7. That's a real choice of Royal person. Happy and very glorious engagement. Have a lot of fun. Thanks for posting.
