11 December 2010

The Scotsman on Cufflinks

"Given the superior comfort and convenience afforded by the humble button, the continued survival of the cufflink is hard to fathom, but perhaps the natural world can provide us with an explanation.

In some species of birds - the peacock, for example - males with larger, more ornate tailfeathers seem able to attract mates more successfully than their less spectacular rivals. Could cufflinks perform a similar function in the human world? If so, gents looking to mate are advised to purchase the biggest, flashiest, pair they can find."
The Scotsman, 28 November 2010


  1. Do not, I repeat, do not go dissing on cufflinks again.

    Gentlemen are only allowed three items of jewelry to wear, a watch, a wedding ring and cufflinks. (OK, maybe a signet ring with the family crest, if one really has a family crest)

    I hardly call the wearing of classy Art Deco cufflinks from Cartier, peacockish.

  2. Abolish cufflinks! They are an affectation and insult to the common button

  3. Admiral, I feel The Scotsman's commenter is overlooking the fact most human females have a bigger brain and considerably more discernment than the average pea-hen.

  4. My God!!! Are we still beating this dead horse?

    Nothing wrong with cufflinks... Happens in the best of circles. (And I do mean THE VERY BEST.) The challenge is to wear those that demonstrate one's discerning taste. Of course there are show-off vulgarians, (again an expression of taste,) however I would opine that a pair of 18K ovals discreetly monogrammed, is beyond reproach. I would counsel against the ubiquitous silk knots, as they look like freebies that came with the shirt.

    Belle de Ville -- Spot on!

    Tabitha-- I assume you do not wear jewelry as it would be an affectation.

  5. So Nicky Haslam eschews cufflinks?
    J.F'ing C.!!!!
    Get a look at him in his purple getup and tight white pants. (I won't dignify those tacky jeans with the word "trousers"!) This man is an arbiter of taste? If so, what better reason does one need to wear cufflinks?!

  6. Elegant simple chic and above all forever modern,look at the links by Jean Schlumberger,Longmire or Verdura and you get the idea.Im am sure that you Admiral would not be seen without links and studs, for those white events,or black tie dinners.In your hunting pink and links by Holland and Holland.
