09 December 2010

Weejun is the Reason for the Season

(i) Christmas parties. Holiday luncheons. Drunken cocktail receptions where one hits on the waitresses, upsets the potted palms, picks fights with burly petulant fellows, is detained by the city constabulary, and wrecks the silver Benz in a near-ball of fire on Pacific Coast Highway. These are some of the things my recent Christmas seasons are made of.

Crikey! So I must be awfully lucky still to receive invitations to such soirées, especially considering some of the antics I have carried out over the years. Of course I have attempted to modify my behaviour--with mixed results, I must tell you. But so far so good. This year.

(ii) In contrast to my demeanour, you might be curious to know, I tend to keep my Christmas kit somewhat low-key. The candid photographic image (above) depicts a pair of classic Weejun loafers, J.Crew socks in delicious peppermint or pistachio green colour, and Land's End flat-front khakis. On top: Brooks Brothers blue OCBD and Hickey Freeman sport coat in Tweed. The green socks, I like to think, provide a flashy touch.

(iii) Christmas luncheons. If I am not quite a social butterfly at these events, then at least I am a social hawk of sorts. I make the rounds thus:

"Hullo Gavin, so nice to see you old boy. We must meet for drinks one of these days..."

"Merry Christmas, my dear, you are an absolute vision in Pucci..."

"Now look here, Chadwick. You said you were going to get your Uncle Dunstan committed. I just caught him molesting one of the hounds in the back garden again..."

(iv) Do you have a natural smile that clings to your face like a crusted-over mole? I do not; I have a frown. Well, perhaps not so much a frown as a natural "I'm going to fucking kick your fucking arse from here to Calcutta right before I turn you in to the Schutzstaffel!" sort of look that often leads to unintended reactions in others. Can you blame them?

So when I am at these events it is somewhat of an effort initially to remember to smile. It is not so difficult, however, when I remind myself that I do feel genuine affection for the ladies and chaps with whom I spend the evening, because, as you well know, if I am about anything I am about love. And as usual, I manage magnificently.


  1. Love the socks, delicious indeed.

  2. I have similar taste in causal dress and facial expression.

  3. Very cool socks Admiral!
    Perfect with the weejuns.

  4. Lovely shoes, Admiral.


  5. I didn't know Lands' End (they're very particular about putting the apostrophe in the wrong place) did made to measure - do you recommend them?


  6. The socks are the BOMB!!!!!

    Where can I get a few pair????

  7. Admiral, at a Christmas cocktail party earlier this week my frame of mind matched your facial expression while my English Rose complexion conveyed complicit felicity. Unlike you and try as I might, I did not feel even a flicker of affection for my fellow guests. I reserved that for the stately Fraser Fir opprobriously adorned in spangles and trifles.

  8. Oh how I love to read these posts (having just discovered your blog last night via some other scrumptious sartorial bite).

    Reminds me of evenings reading Evelyn Waugh at Andover in my LL Bean Norwegian sweater.

    Would love to know what you think women should wear...
