09 January 2011

Downton Abbey


  1. Well, you know where Reggie will be this evening...

  2. I hope you are sitting with your hound at your feet. A terrible way to talk about women, forgive me.

  3. Not gonna lie, when I was sick last week I watched the entire series illegally.

  4. Admiral, My great aunt (back in the old country) has been sending me snippets of a debate raging in the pages of the Daily Telegraph regarding the way Downton Abbey has been 'dumbed down' for an American audience. Apparently 2 of the 8 hours have been cut to spare us from storylines deemed too complex for underevolved New World sensibilities...

  5. I watched the first episode and deemed it excellent.

    My friend Taki thinks Julian Fellowes is a fake snob and has some supporting reasons in his column but I say so far so good.

    Vern Trotter
    New York

  6. Vernon ~ I too enjoyed the first episode and will certainly keep watching. A reason to look forward to Sunday evening.

  7. LBF - I went to the website featuring the show Downtown Abbey. When I attempted to watch an episode, it said if was for viewing only in Great Britain. How does a commoner like me get to view this show? I watch very little tv, but this looks appealing.

  8. Richard ~ The series is published over the airwaves on public television on Sunday evenings. But you can buy the DVD, or watch Episode 1 here online:


  9. Loved the first episode and look foreword to the remainder of the series
