29 January 2011

Ian Fleming in the City

'Whenever I saw Ian towards the end of his time in the City,' says Cyril Connolly, 'he gave the impression of being a playboy business man with all the money and all the friends he could possibly want. I met him once in Brook Street. He was wearing a blue suit and an Eton Ramblers tie and his appearance was so absolutely correct that it made me think of someone out of a Wodehouse novel.'

The Life of Ian Fleming, John Pearson (1966)


  1. I have never seen a photograph of Ian Fleming in which he looked anything other than absolutely correct.


  2. I loved reading a more recent biography of Flemming and then subsequently, the story of his brother Peter.

  3. I'm itching to visit Goldeneye, Fleming's estate in Jamaica - if only it weren't in Jamaica. I'd rather take my chances with Rosa Klebb than the Yardies.

  4. Tabitha,
    Rosa Klebb herself would be chary of going to Jamaica. She might have been inhuman, but she was not subhuman.

  5. The link to the Ian Fleming photo in my comment above did not appear in full. Here's the full link:


  6. The Pearson is a good bio for getting the sanitized version of his life. It fails to mention many of his extra-marital asignations. Especially, an ongoing affair with a Jewish woman in Jamaica. The son of this woman went on to found Island Records and purchased Goldeneye, which he turned into a upscale rentable.

  7. Does anybody remember the film "the secret life of Ian Flemming"? I believe it starred Jason Connery.

    Nice film. Anybody know how close to reality it was? And the starring role of a "Connery" was intriguing. While there was a resemblence, was he Sean Connery's offspring? Or did they use the name to promote the movie?

  8. Admiral, it is said Ian Fleming could seduce women in four languages. Based on the below someone should write a biography of his wife Ann.

