04 January 2011

Tartan Tuesday: Highland Style


  1. Reggie not so secretly would like to own a kilt and all the rig that goes with it. He'd wear it, too. Problem is, he is not a Scot, nor does he have any Scots in his ancestry. And just as he would never consider wearing an Old Etonian tie, even though the colorway is beyond swell, he has grave misgivings about wearing the garb of the clans without a dram of Scots blood in his veins. Your thought, sir?

  2. RD ~ Same here, even though I sport kilt-friendly legs. I simply like the look. I am an advocate of Tartan, out of solidarity and admiration.

  3. I cannot bear men in kilts. I find the jumper/kilt combo worn to rugby matches the least offensive look but the dress kilt gives me the boke!

  4. Admiral, men in kilts (with kilt-friendly legs) look wonderful!
    May be you and Reggie would consider having a kilt made in one of the rather fine tweeds or glen plaids from Dashing Tweeds - www.dashingtweeds.co.uk. It would be very striking.

  5. Just the get up I need for our hunt's Burns night supper... Then again I might just leave it to our piper.

  6. In the immortal words of Tabitha (I choked on my tea reading her comment),the look that gives me the big boke is kilt and ghillie/jacobite shirt combo.
