02 February 2011

Street Fighting Ensemble

There is no shortage of events to interrupt my evening tea-taking ceremony. Not that I am complaining. Frankly I am rather chuffed this time. As revolution is in the air, I have decided to consult the works of the celebrated Major von Dach and don my fogey street-fighting uniform to help kick things off. The outfit includes an armoured Barbour jacket, Brooks Brothers OCBD in pink, and a pair of Crockett & Jones steel-toed kickers featured last week. To the line-up I have added a classic black-and-white keffiyeh straight out of souk al-Haraj, with extra long tassels of course, in solidarity with those brave Arab chaps fighting the system in the Near East. The voluminous Barbour is handy for concealing personal effects useful in close quarters situations--and I am not referring to hipflask and packet of pipe tobacco. I know, I know: if only! Sure, perhaps a double-breasted chalk stripe suit, steel-reinforced bowler hat, and umbrella-cum-duelling sabre would be more suitable in spontaneous urban combat scenarios. But this will have to do for now. Rather than turn the other cheek, it is time to gird one's Tweed and kick some establishment arse. Careful not to scuff your brogues. Stand firm and you will prosper in the tea gardens of eternal light.


  1. Jeepers, my stomach can't take laughing so hard after breakfast. The Arab wrap/Barbour mix is the modern embodiment of Sloane St.

  2. Care must be taken not to wear the keffiyeh or bandit wrap around the neck if there will be a "close quarters" physical fracas. It then becomes a noose.

    Vern Trotter

  3. Admiral, 'Stand firm and prosper in the tea garden of eternal light.' - Wonderful!
    King's Road Cavalry or Laguna Beach Bandit, either way you're very well dressed.

  4. Eff the Man, what?
