23 March 2011

The Prince of Wales and the 40-Year-Old Lobbs


  1. I'd guess that those beautiful shoes are topped with a proper 1 3/4" cuff. The Prince has odd taste in some personal matters, but when it comes to dressing he's spot on.

  2. This is why he needs to be King for a spell to teach us all the benefit of thrift and the lie that is the consumer society

  3. wow, those are truly expensive shoes. I always thought the most expensive shoes were Italian. However, it is a testament to craftsmanship that the shoes last so long. I know the Hermes Birkin Bag can last decades as well and is built to last as heirloom quality, with the endurance to be passed down from generation to generation. It amazes me that Prince Charles shoes, still after 40 years, retain their rich color and still hold a buffed, glossy shine. The shoes haven't frayed or tattered at the seams and the point is still crisp, with the detailed graininess still immaculately preserved. I guess it justifies the cost of shoes which can buy an entry level fuel efficient subcompact car...
