30 April 2011

Preppy: Cultivating Ivy Style


  1. One can only hope this won't be as dreadful as "True Prep" last year.

  2. Thomas ~ I agree. I think this one will be very good.

    For me the big disappointment last year was the "Take Ivy" book, hyped by certain Trad websites.

    We should be careful acting on recommendations from certain Trad bloggers who somehow forget to mention they have a monetary interest in the project they are hyping.

    But what can we expct? So many of the Trad bloggers are crude little men.

  3. LBF - Well said; indeed the trad blogosphere seems a realm for sycophants and logrolling/backscratching. And heaven forbid you should cross Casselbery (Rachel Maddow's body double) at Unabashedly Prep.

  4. This looks promising indeed. I'm still trying to recover from TRUE PREP and to understand what exactly it was all about. From what I can make out it, it should have been titled: MEXICANS IN MADRAS. I'm looking forward to the release of this new preppy title in the Fall.

  5. Robert ~ True enough. From what I have seen of TRUE PREP it should have been titled SEMITES IN SEERSUCKER.

  6. Touche' LBF- You really have a future in stand-up! True Prep was rot gut!

  7. Des Esseintes02 May, 2011 11:08

    Quite fittingly, Hilfiger stores have been using 2x1.5m title page copies of that dross as window decoration lately.


  8. Unashamedly Crap02 May, 2011 12:58

    Let's all sing the Horst Wessel song - can this possibly be allowed?

  9. Stand up comedy,like all modern media,is the preserve of those same Semites in seersucker.
    If this new tome on Prep/Ivy isn't sufficiently
    multicultural the Blackwatch Bolsheviks will howl...

  10. Unashamedly Crap03 May, 2011 13:19

    I think Mr Castleberry is still immature, a limited education leading to poor judgement and an unwillingness to discern,but to condemn him on racial grounds is utterly unacceptable, at least in my country. Actually, just unacceptable. Even in California.
