29 April 2011

Royal Wedding Message

LBF and the crack editorial team at Admiral Cod send their Heartfelt Congratulations and Best Wishes to the newly-wed T.R.H. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, to H.M. The Queen and to all the Royal Family on this blessed day. God save the Queen!

"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."

~ Bishop of London, 29 April 2011, quoting Saint Catherine of Siena


  1. Hear, hear! And pray the media let them alone.

  2. Hear, hear Admiral. And Bravo to the Bishop of London whose wonderful address was compelling listening to believers and non-believers alike. Prince William and his bride look set to bring a new dynamism and relevance to the Monarchy not least by bringing back some mystique. The Prince's skillful mix of amenability and avoidance appear to be giving him the upper hand with the media beast - long may that continue.

  3. Styles Bitchley07 May, 2011 07:20

    Wonderful, but one must remember that here in America royalty is represented by the likes of Prince Fielder, the obese black man who plays first base for the Milwaukee Brewers.
