18 May 2011


In the evenings I settle into a solitary routine. I sit at a vintage oak writing desk, cocktails arrayed before me. Bookshelves and antique prints mark the walls above. I think of different ways to communicate an almost inexpressible rage. A regular exorcism, of sorts. I know full well what bothers me. The world is turned upside down. The wrong sort of people are on top: the stupid, vulgar, ugly, furtive, cowardly, pushy, diseased, fat, unstylish masses, stinking of envy and devoid of original thought, who, in earlier centuries, would have been left on the hillside to die of exposure. But today such runts are installed in positions of influence and control. The vermin are in charge! Are they even fully human? I have my doubts. The disorder marking the modern world is a foul aberration, a total perversion of nature. It shall not last, of that I am certain. Blood will out. With this knowledge I have henceforth decided to endeavour to walk on the sunny side of the street, and have made great progress in this direction. But occasionally I slip and find myself in the valley of the shade of despair, darker, deeper, and colder than before.


  1. Oh no now I am in despair too!
    Very well written and I love the image of your oak desk and your cocktail before you.

  2. We live in the waning days of the West...and it is heartbreaking.

  3. We use selective breeding in crops and cattle, hmmm...what if we used the same concept for....nahhhh!

  4. Buy a partners desk and I'll sit opposite you, I'm in the same frame if mind.

  5. The great unwashed do seem to do rather well these days. Scum. All scum.


  6. Unashamedly Crap18 May, 2011 13:37

    I believe there was a chap called Eichmann who might have sympathised with you.

  7. The end of an empire...

  8. Don't give up the fight Admiral! Your work is one of the few harbors of good taste and sanity in the sea of ghastliness that is the interweb.

  9. I just feel like you, Sir. Maybe some kind of magic would make them dissapear...

  10. To make a connection with above statement: I actually think it's too late, Turks (Central Asians) and Africans will 'inherit' our European culture and North Ameica is an ethnic cesspool, already, anyhow. The only thing that remains is to be what we are and to continue what we represent; we may fight but I foresee that it'll be futile.

  11. Your dark perspective is valid. Especially in the current times in which we have freely doled out a myriad of rights and privileges to all without demanding an iota of responsibility or accountability by the recipients. Lying, cheating and other forms of declasse behavior now offer a magic carpet ride to fame and fortune.

    Not to despair, my perspective is to apply a superior education cleverly and effectively to outfox the rabble and gamers, state objective fact-based points of view fairly and let the chips fall where they will

    Moreover, I have found that living well is the best revenge. Why? Because the great unwashed lacked the cognitive skills and experience to appreciate it!

  12. Admiral - Far more insidious is the complicity of those among us one would think would have better judgement. Keep to the sunny side of the street and keep up the fight that we might move on to "broad sunlit uplands."

  13. I have a question. All here seem to agree that the world (or at least America) is in a bad shape, and that most things were much better before. But what exactly is so bad about America today? And, perhaps more importantly, what was it that was so good about the old days?

    I mean, apart from the much lamented facts that people don't wear suits every day anymore, and that the president is not white.

  14. Old - hear, hear!
    Martin - are you living in a cave? Open your eyes!

  15. What is perhaps most lamentable, is there now seems to be no reward for merit, for superior performance. Now, it is is "no idiot left behind." In the "old days" if you performed better than the next guy, you were regarded as better (in the arena wherein you performed). Where standards are lowered based upon ethnicity and/or national origin (i.e. affirmative action) the incentive to perform is diminished. Race and ethnicity should be completely irrelevant to being rewarded for performance, or on the other hand being demoted for the lack thereof.
    Further, unrestricted immigration and the lack of enforcement of related laws has brought both crime and a mass of uneducated detritus to the US along with cheap illegal labor for restaurants and landscapers. We have gotten the shorter end of the benefit stick. Fortunately there is a cabal of those who know better--that style, grace, manners and intelligence are worthy possessions to treasure and hopefully disseminate to the worthy. Who are the worthy? Anyone seeking to better himself, and journey to an apex of Life, not fall into the nadir--anyone regardless of chromatics or the stamp of their passport.

  16. Will there come a day when murals, wholly uninformed by European aesthetics, celebrating the multikult, are painted over as they so richly deserve to be? Unspeakably ugly ties sported by leftist academians done away with? Betweeded gents smashing boom boxes howling out rap "music"? Perhaps. I certainly hope so.

    As of late I've had a premonition that the long nightmare will be over soon, as if I can see the sun already rising.

  17. A gloomy piece, its brevity bespeaking its conclusory nature: the matter is settled and the darkness is outside our door. Save for the obligatory fool who assumes this is all about Obama being a person of colour, the comments seem to differ only in the desirability of keeping up the good fight.
    A similar argument could have been made in 1950, but the red tide was beat back and Reagan proved that we need be neither Red nor Dead. It is true that not even the Five Good Emperors could save Rome from its rot and our foot is still on the slippery slope, and a great deal of unpleasantness may be in store, and much crockery may have to be broken, but isn’t the end worth it? The fine old oak desk may need to be piled on the barricade.
    It would be a sad business to see so many beautiful things torn down and the things our ancestors built destroyed, but if, when it was over, we emerged free...? Let’s keep our eye on the prize.

  18. Styles Bitchley20 May, 2011 19:53

    Davis: Only a pseudo-intellectual dolt would interpret my comments about your President’s pedigree as being the ONLY cause of our civilization’s ills. If you must take the moral high ground at my expense, please first know what in the hell you’re talking about. Thanks.

  19. Dear Styles, . . . Pace,pace, . . . I had not even read your comment, but was responding to the provocation of the panglossian Martin. Your bile is upon me misdirected.

  20. Dear Davis,
    I did not really assume that the color of the President's skin was the true problem here. My point was that none of the commenters seemed able point out exactly what the problem was, while several complained that President Obama is black.

    To Mr. Mandelbaum: thank you for taking your time to answer my question. I agree that incompetent people are too often allowed to rise to prominent positions, although I am not sure that this is primarily a result of affermative action. I also doubt that it is worse now than before, but I guess that makes me a minority here.
