28 May 2011

A Matter of Quality

"Buy the absolute best you can afford. Fine clothes will last ten times longer than cheap, shoddy merchandise, will feel and fit better, and of course will look better. A cheap suit looks cheap even when it's brand new, while a good one retains its appearance after years of wear. A good raincoat, tweed jacket, and flannel slacks actually improve with age and wear. It's a matter of quality."

Elegance: A Guide to Quality Menswear, G. Bruce Boyer (1985)


  1. Sage advice that one should always heed.

  2. Agreed. Hate the new look-love the worn aesthetic.

  3. Must admit that I don't always follow this correct advice myself but basically this is the very fundamental characteristic of men's wear in difference to lady's which can be more 'fashionable', capricious and 'farfallistically' changing...
