16 June 2011

Royal Ascot Ladies


  1. Those aren't hats, they are some sort of fungoid growths. Still, you can't screw up a pretty woman with an ugly hat. You have to use an ugly truth for that.

  2. OK -- this English, bizarre-hat thing is off the chain.

  3. this brings a smile to my day

  4. Even an outrageous hat can't detract from the beauty of a lovely lady.

  5. I love the hats, all the better to set off the lines of our perfect aquiline English noses.

  6. Admiral, Tabitha makes a very good point. If it's one thing that sperates the chavs from the toffs in England it's the ability to carry off outlandish hats with considerable aplomb.

  7. The ladies in your post are lovely indeed.

    Pity though, that, for the most part, American women simply are not into hats (other than those god-awful pink Nike basball caps).

    It is a fact, though, that many of our fairer ones below the Mason Dixon line in the South, still know how much grace is imparted by a good looking hat. God bless Southern women and their hats!

  8. Come on - these hats are fairly restrained. You could have shown some of the really bizarre ones.
