04 July 2011

Monday Morning Mimosa

'Real men wear pink'


  1. Nice to see that you have taken Lacoste back from the street Arabs, Admiral. I've been reluctant to wear the green crocodile these days as it is mostly spotted on the man boobs of Saudis in my part of the country. What do you think of the Vineyard Vines polo? (The street Arabs don't seem to be interested in whales at the moment.)

  2. the proper way to start a monday.

  3. Just marvellous!

  4. Silk ~ Thank you!

    Hilton ~ I do not own a VV polo so can not comment on the whale. There is, however, a new VV shoppe opening in my neighbourhood next month, so I will be certain to have something to say on that. I'm still trying to wrangle some tickets to the opening day bash...!

  5. Good Lord,'sWallop,

    The eagle has landed; you need to take a firm line with those jerry towel wielding lounger baggers or it will be the Kasserine Pass all over again.

  6. Slumming it?
