13 July 2011



  1. LSS ~ No doubt they are protecting themselves from the noxious politico-cultural fumes emanating from the corrupted Anglosphere.

  2. Zey should shtop mit eating das sauerkraut und zen zey don't need zee mask.

  3. I had a friend when I was doing military service who got napalm on his arm. Nasty stuff. But the mental mustard gas that the marxist media is pumping out is just as unhealthy. So the conclusion is, do as the dogs and wear the proper gear and stay focused.

  4. Admiral - It has always been a nagging and thankful wonder how poisonous gas was never used in the European theater by the combatants during WW2.

  5. Thomas Ray - is is truly wondrous.

    Of course, we have to deal with the disgusting stench of shit coming from Washington, DC.

  6. Thought you might be interested in this. Whites in South Africa organize paramilitary training:


  7. If you look closely at the hair of the dog on the right, you will see that the dog is a Pudel. Having been the close friend of a 75 lb. junkyard Poodle for fifteen years, I feel the need to defend the breed. While I was aware of their use by the Huns in WWI, I had never seen a photo before. They are not Golden Retrievers, and should not be trifled with. They are very popular in So. Africa as watch/guard dogs because they safer around children than Shepherds, Dobies or Ridgebacks.

    “Godzilla” just loved terrifying the “Brown Santa”.
