11 August 2011

Drakes London (Wall Street Journal)

© Drakes London
It is easy to get caught up in the unfolding of events, even if one has expected it. It is all going according to plan, on schedule, as predicted. And it gives one some satisfaction. But still, one must occasionally step away and allow for a proper re-ordering of priorities. With that in mind let us once again turn our attention to clothing and related accoutrements. Michael Drake, one of the original founders of Drakes London, recently sold the firm to The Armoury, an upscale men's haberdashery in Hong Kong. The Wall Street Journal has just interviewed Mr. Drake. Here are some excerpts:

I don’t like the shiny look. I like something that’s more worn, softer and handmade. When things are made by machine, they’re flat. When they’re made by hand, they’re three-dimensional. You don’t want to look like you just got off the boat from Naples. Anyway, the high-class dressers there want to look English.

For men, fashion is for kids. I always thought Prince Charles was a stylish dresser. Lots of Englishmen think he’s old-fashioned, but my Italian friends agree with me. Men should be stylish, not fashionable.

I only have one pair of leather shoes. Everything else is made from suede. I always wear purple socks, which is a bit unusual. I like to match a lilac cashmere sweater with plain but nice lilac socks. It’s not rocket science, but it’s a look.


  1. The late 11th Duke of Devonshire wore only light yellow socks. I personally think there is something very becoming of a gentleman who wears socks in only one color, no matter what else he has on.

  2. Now I'm curious about that one pair of leather shoes.
