22 September 2011

How Does This Happen?


  1. The sluttification of Western women?

  2. How did this happen? Good question. But it's not just young women. Look at the attire and behavior of what passes for the adult American male today. I recently went to dinner at a nice restaurant in Raleigh followed by a performance of the North Carolina Symphony. The slobwear displayed at both venues by men old enough to know better was appalling.

  3. Too much discretionary income in the hands of the lower social orders.

    That, and birth control pills.

  4. I think we're just skirting the issue. How does it happen? Hemlines rise. Sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes we kneed to use discretion. "In olden days a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking, now Heaven knows, there's pantyhose."

  5. There has been a degradation of the manners and mores across all classes in Western society, sartorially and otherwise. My blue collar grandparents during the Depression and WWII dressed with more class than most of today's homo Americanus of any class.

  6. I also loved the way my grandparents dressed every day with my family adapting all their habits, especially church on sunday and coffe (or beer for granpa) in best dress, BUT: am I the only one thinking: Damn, these girls are so hot!!!?;)

  7. Grausig, no you are not the only one.....but they are not Miss Rights, just Miss Right Nows.

  8. Global Whorification.

  9. As a young man I often asked myself that very question. Especially on Friday nights.

  10. 1. The dismantling of the elite WASP establishment at the end of WWII by grudge carrying socialist activist types who resented being led by noble, well educated, confident, decently dressed uncircumcised white males commited to free enterprise,freedom and the realization of profits and a trade surplus.

    The rabble successfully deposed the White Guys and replaced it with the pernicious meritocratic Political Correctness scam that allowed all to "do their thang" and be held responsible or accountable for nothing!

    2.Liberal HR types who wanted to get "solid" with the rank and file and effectively lobbyied management to eliminiate business dress codes in most organizations claiming that staff would be more relaxed, collaborative and communicative on the job!

    3. The decimation of the traditional clothing industry by opportunistic Israelite Americans (Wexner, Trust, Lifshitz and Drexler et al) who moved manufacturing to the Third World to reduce cost and drive mass adoption by the lower class strata who became enamored with the idea of looking like a stripper, hooker, baglady or biker.

    4. Things went viral when the Great Unwashed idolized looking like strippers, Saigon hookers, NY bagladies and LA bikers spurred on by low self esteem, mass substance abuse, widespread access to contraception and a genetic predisoposition to do stupid things!

    No wonder that the wheels are in the process of falling off of Western Civilization. When they do, WASPs will be back in style!

  11. You have to admit....the wenches featured on the right are hotties....and those tiny black skirts do ahve a certain allure, No?

  12. It all depends on the female in question. I would never date a girl who dressed like that because they are most likely aspiring gold diggers, err, I mean social climbers. Most of the women I socialize with don't dress like that, but then again, I won't ever deny that I enjoy looking at the ones who do.

  13. Events, dear boy, fashion events; nothing to puff steam about.

  14. This post makes me laugh! I suppose I now understand why the mills were closed down because there is not enough material to make!!

  15. This is an issue?

  16. Look at the numbers: 17 posts!
    "Say no more Jeeves!"
    If men are confronted with certain females in certain dresses, as displayed on the right, there's always lots of talk and we will all agree: we love tight bodies and sexy curves, but only in our sleeping rooms, not in public. Since we're prbly very similar gents I suppose we can silently agree on the fact that we wont take any of deese to see our family,...or to see more than one room of our crib;-)

  17. One thing you all missed - contraception. It enables a man to act like a cad with no cost. Since he won't act honorably, women must be more brazen to attract him and hold him.

    At one time, a woman could expect to stay married once she and he went down the aisle. Now everyone is on the prowl. It's just expected, just as monogamy was fifty years ago.
