06 October 2011

Tea Up !

I almost spit out my cuppa when I read the following in my morning copy of the Daily Mail:

Britain's passion for a cup of tea is falling out of fashion as younger generations spurn a good brew.

More than half of British tea drinkers are over 45, while just four per cent are under 25, a survey has found.

It discovered most youngsters drink just one variety of tea, and are opting for soft drinks, bottled water and fruit juices instead.

WTF?! This is most alarming, but, I suppose, not very surprising given the general direction of things.

So, what are you going to do to reverse the trend?

Time to tea up. And pass the PG Tips.


  1. Do those "youngsters" drink Coca-Cola with their scones, or do they not even know what scones are?

  2. Well sir, I'm 28 and my day doesn't start properly unless I've had my tea. Loose-leaf Assam too, when I can. Rest assured some of we younger Brits are doing our bit for the tea industry!

  3. Ties, suits and now tea? Mind you, I am not sure that I believe surveys. My children are all under 25 and all drink tea.

  4. Coffe and cream for me.
    Put me in the stocks, I'll go quietly.

  5. Well,they can't wait around for a decent brew;the lads have flash mobs to form and windows to break. Busy,busy,busy...

  6. I'm drinking Earl Grey right now. I burned my tongue.

  7. Well you all might look at this from the wrong end, I see in these figures the replacement of population that has taken place in England and elsewhere in Europe. Africans aren't really known for their tea addiction.

  8. Mariage Freres French breakfast or a random English breakfast or Scottish breakfast tea in the morning and Darjeeling or lapsang souchong in the afternoon. That's how I roll.

  9. Tunbridge Wells06 October, 2011 21:08

    Before giving credence to surveys of "British" habits, let us not forget that they include Blacks, Browns, and Muslims of any color.

  10. Culture is a product of race. Replace the race, replace the culture. Most people don't understand the connection.

  11. I am an American, so I drink coffee.

    One thing I hate about coffee: the industry (or at least the marketing and retail end of the business) and the customer base is generally of leftist or multiculturalist persuasion.

    I really get a headache when a package of coffee advertises how the company uses some of the profits to educate Ethiopian children, or some other nonsense like that.

  12. I always ask for Jackbooted Junta Brand coffee.

  13. Admiral, I avoid the iced variety, unless it's Long Island.

  14. "First they came for the tea lady and I said nothing ..."

  15. I start with a cup of tea every morning, and I stop at 4:00 every afternoon to drink a cup - and always from one of my antique and vintage tea cups. And I hosted a tea in my home a few weeks ago for 30 of Washington DC's finest ladies.

    If these statistics are true it's very sad, indeed.

  16. the tannins in tea leave brown stains on one's tooth enamel, maybe it is a vanity thing with today's youth?
