03 November 2011

The Return of the Young Fogey

It has been suggested in certain quarters that the Young Fogey (YF) is 'gone for good'. I disagree. In the last 20 years YFs certainly went out of style and escaped underground. Still, if one investigated, one could find them within certain universities, Conservative constituencies, and parishes. The Countryside March through central London on 4 March 1998, in which I am pleased as punch to say I took part, attracted thousands of YFs. Bridge clubs in Kensington and Chelsea were positively bursting with them.

I daresay the YF has yet to hit his peak. His day is coming. For the impending wars will be over the issue of identity. The main conflict of our era is between globalists and particularists, that is to say, between the global MultiKult trying to genocide us into one big brown shit-pile of mass sub-humanity, and those loyal few who wish to keep alive particular attachments and specific loves. Love, of course, like evolution, is only possible in separation, or isolation. It prevents the spinning world from casting us into nothingness like random atoms.

The YF is nothing if not local. Are you local? The YF answers with a resolute Yes! YFs of the future will blend the best of the past with an eye to the future, with a hard edge and a confident and ruthless approach. They will defend neither values nor propositions, but actual flesh-and-blood human beings. They will stand up for our people, the living and the dead and the yet-to-be-born. In the past attempts to effect change were made through the Book of Common Prayer; tomorrow a side-by-side and RPG are used. An understanding of what must be done flows directly from the necessity for survival. It's inevitable.

The Young Fogey is the unique ethno-cultural expression of the English people. As long as there are English, there are fogeys. Race and culture are inseparable. The latter derives from the former, you see, like a flower blossoms from the soil. The Spirit dwells within the flesh. And the Tweed cometh.


  1. ‘Civilisation’s going to pieces,’ Tom Buchanan, the Yale-educated millionaire, abruptly informs Nick Carraway in The Great Gatsby. ‘I’ve gotten to be a terrible pessimist about things. Have you read The Rise of the Colored Empires by this man Goddard? … The idea is if we don’t look out the white race will be – will be utterly submerged.’ ‘Tom’s getting very profound,’ his wife Daisy remarks. Buchanan carries on: ‘This fellow has worked out the whole thing. It’s up to us, who are the dominant race, to watch out or these other races will have control of things.’ ‘We’ve got to beat them down,’ Daisy whispers with a wink at Nick. But there’s no stopping Buchanan. ‘And we’ve produced all the things that go to make civilisation – oh, science and art, and all that. Do you see?’

  2. Well the white race has 'only' produced the best art, the best civilisation and science (itself). It has also produced fat idiots like Tom Buchanan and great writers like Scott Fitzgerald and great mythical personas that are apt to give meaning and example to our lives like Achilleus or the Young Fogey!

  3. On the one hand we have "the global MultiKult trying to genocide us into one big brown shit-pile of mass sub-humanity"

    on the other hand we have global Islam trying to eradicate us.

  4. I was an YF as a lad and have become an OF as the years slipped by. Same values (and clothes) and proud of it!

  5. All the YFs that I once knew are Old Fogeys now!

  6. And what rough Tweed, it's hour come at last, slouches toward Los Angeles to be worn.

  7. Excellent post. I agree that multiculturalism is a comple disaster. Western culture is the apotheosis of civilization. Unfortunately, it's most human values, tolerance, curiosity, reasonableness, have opened it to a slow-motion, bloodless barbarian invasion. Europe is being overrrun by the Islamic hordes, who create nothing and contribute nothing to the world except rigid dogma, oppression and intolerance. The West regain confidence and, yes, pride, in its accomplishments and insist that those who come to live in the West must assimilate to Western values. If this is not done diamond we have created over milennia of hard-won cultural attainment will be squandered.

  8. Anonymous at 19.33 copped this from a review of Niall Ferguson's "Civilisation" The review was written by a man called Pankaj Mishra who appears to dismiss the idea that the English brought much to the sub-continent or to Africa. Bwaaaaahaaaaaahahaahahahahahaha.

    Quoting the fool Tom Buchanan from a work of fiction does not make Pankaj Mishra's thesis less laughable. Or preposterous.

  9. I am an old fogey. But I want to be a young one. Can you help me? Re multiculturalism: gratuitous white guilt stemming from what Neitzsche called "slave morality"

  10. Fabulous post.

    -Oxbridge Fogey holding down the fort in Santa Monica.

  11. Thirty Miles At Sea04 November, 2011 16:11

    RPGs, while quite effective against Islamists, would ultimately do nothing to thwart our deep cultural rot. Franco beat the Left on the battlefield in a country far better than our own, but was completely unable to stop people from eating the lotus of modernism. Brutus stabbed Caesar, but was unable to restore a long-dead republic. We can only fight this dark age by getting married, raising children, educating ourselves, and passing on that wisdom to our community. Nobody is sure where we are headed, and it will probably be a rough journey, but there is little else to do until we get there.
