17 January 2012


"On the right edge of the little valley, to the general amusement, Lieutenant Breyer—who had been seconded to us from the 10th Jägers—was strolling about seemingly oblivious of the flying bullets, walking-stick in hand, and long huntsman's pipe in mouth, rifle slung over his shoulder, every bit as though out shooting rabbits."

Ernst Jünger , Storm of Steel (1920)


  1. The real life Lt.Col.Kilgore. They wouldn't even let him enlist now. Excessive displays of bravery unfair to emotionally sensitive combatants and elitist attitudes damaging to historically disadvantaged minority peace keepers (soldiers).

  2. Stockton Andrews II - you are joking but, actually, I wonder whether there isn't something in what you say!

  3. Ho, ho!! Storm of Steel is a fine, fine book. Love the passage towards the end where he describes the incendiary going off. Also the last few paragraphs.
