29 January 2012

Theology of Liberation


  1. When Liberation Theology burst upon the stage in the '80s and seemed to be everywhere, Cardinal Ratzinger, der Panzerkardinale and now our present Pope, held the line and the tide abated and I have not lately heard of it.

  2. DEK ~ I think you're right. On the other hand, I recently attended a meeting of Jesuits where the conversation was infused with immigrationism and MultiKultism. I'm afraid universalism has a 'death grip' on the Christian intellect.

  3. Would you were right, DEK. Alas, the Roman and Anglican churches are now left, tooth and bone and it is the rare pulpit from which you shall hear the word "sin" uttered more often than the words "fair" or "just" or "equitable.". Liberation Theolgy more politely proffered.
