24 March 2012

Gin Snob

I'm fucking exhausted. Last night I partied with a pair of hot blonde cougars in Newport Beach. Confident in their ferocious Nordic beauty, they were actually quite fun and provided some amusing conversation.

I offered to buy them some wine. They wanted Cakebread. I laughed. Whatever. I told them I'm not particularly interested in wine and wasn't a wine snob. In fact I wasn't a cocktail snob at all.

They looked insulted. One of them pointed out: "But you're drinking Bombay Sapphire".

I replied: "True. If I were a gin snob I would be drinking Hendrick's".

At one point in the evening I overheard them whispering to each other that they wanted to share (!) me. I'm not sure what that means, but I intend to find out. There's definitely enough to go around.


  1. There's more to come, I guess.

    But what's this Hendrick's thing all about? I prefer Tanqueray, which I think is the best.

    Hendrick's: 44% Alc.
    Tanqueray: 47,3% Alc. (And a better taste)

  2. Always be a giver LBF.

    But I'm a grunt and drink Guinness. Though I have passed out many times in Newport Beach and Laguna Beach and Dana Point...I could go on. :)

  3. I appreciate quality in my booze, but at the end of the day (or night, rather), alcohol is alcohol.

  4. Try 209 out of SF. The best out there right now.

  5. Forget about the gin. What happened with the two cougars? I have been with dozens and dozens of all kinds of different women, but never have I been fortunate enough to be the person two women have agreed to "share." The very thought of that is positively sublime.

    I have, however, in my more lowly moments, taken my girlfriend out to bars with the sole purpose of trying to pick up a girl who would then go back home with me and my girlfriend. The girlfriend, of course, was never quite privy to this salacious scheme.

  6. Some people seem to want their martinis to be always the same. I'm just the opposite -- I crave variety. So nowadays I'm alternating four -- Broker's, Plymouth, Hayman's Old Tom, and (when I'm not home) Hendrick's.

    The trick, of course, is finding a bartender willing to stir the damn thing instead of falling into his Tom Cruise Cocktail routine. Not even the best gin survives that.

  7. It's a pity that Beefeater Crown Jewel has gone. Berry's No 3 is good.

  8. This is sounding like WASP 101.........

  9. I agree with MGM: the point of the story is not focused in most of the comments...(to share with,mmmm...).

  10. The first time I ever had gin, it was Hendrick's, and it was immediately followed by a rather intimate party consisting of two very beautiful women and me. I will drink nothing but Hendrick's now.

  11. Two cougars who want to "share" you? Then allow me to send you a cuber fistbump you dawg, you (tongue firmly in cheek).

    Best Regards,

    Ulrich von B.
