27 April 2012

The Best


  1. Also, when you hate and wish death on large groups of people you don't know... you're even better!!!

  2. OK Cod, I'll take the bait on this at-first-glance very un-Cod like post. First things first: Of course I'd hit it! But she does symbolize much of what has gone wrong with our culture, tribe, etc. and it's been pissing me off all morning thinking about it!

  3. Geez folks, it's a blog. No need to scrutinize Cod's every post to see if it conforms with the attitude from the rest of his posts.

  4. She'd have more credence if SHE were the one to found a hotel business.

    Instead of the archetypical 3rd generation inheritance spender.

    Her parents must be real pieces of work.

    People hate Paris Hilton, not for what she's accomplished - or even controversial politics: People actually hate her for what she is.

  5. Monday, April 30, 2012
    She'd have more credence if SHE were the one to found a hotel business.

    Instead of the archetypical 3rd generation inheritance spender.

    Her parents must be real pieces of work.

    People hate Paris Hilton, not for what she's accomplished - or even controversial politics: People actually hate her for what she is.

  6. Anon 23:30
    It is not my custom to acknowledge blockheads that begin a post with "Geez" but sometimes whipping boys are useful. Cod's Paris Hilton post was obviously intended to provoke a reaction albeit with commentary far more penetrating than you seem capable of. I thought it a rather intriguing change-up.

  7. What I like about her is her willingness to be a rich scoundrel who sees no need to justify herself to anyone. Like most European aristocrats, she didn't make her own money and she's happy to spend it.

    Next time you stay in a Hilton you might find her (great grandfather?) Conrad Hilton's book in the nightstand. It's a great read.
