24 May 2012

Identitarian Dream

'The parties, the lodges, the unions, the schools, the churches--in short, all who fatten themselves on the fodder of the System resent the identitarian argument from the outset as an intolerable threat. This hypersensitive reaction will not surprise the lucid minds that have known for a long time that the bio-cultural reality is, in fact, the only one that may instantly threaten all the confused minds of the universalist dogma: the messianic Judeo-Christian head; the ideologically liberal head; and the individualistic, technocratic and plutocratic economic head. And it will not surprise attentive minds, either, that the identitarian dream has always entailed the collapse of all the empires that were not organic, the last to date being the Soviet empire. And, finally, it will not surprise those who know perfectly well that the next one is Uncle Sam's.'

Pierre Krebs, Fighting For The Essence (2012)


  1. I've just learned of that book. I have to admit, I feel a bit tired of reading the "why" of WN and am now concerned with the "how." I just want to find the right solution and enact.

  2. Thanks LBF, I wasn't familiar with Krebs and his point here is well taken. Niall Ferguson's "Civilization" reminds us of the remarkable rapidity that seemingly strong empires can fall (ex. Ming Dynasty, Incas, Aztecs, Turks, along with the Soviets) which will likely happen here and soon.

  3. American citizenship thrown about in lottery across the Middle East. After military installation shootings we will die for the idea of diversity. And only a belief in liberalism and her 'free' markets makes anyone an American.

    The Soviets had a better sense of self.

  4. Regarding Dr. Krebb's book:

    There is no such thing as a "Judeo-Christianity". The term is a modern American invention, popularized in the 1980s by men such as Abe Foxman, which alone is reason enough not to use it. Furthermore, this term simply does not appear in earlier textbooks on culture and religion even in the West.

    Traditional Christianity (and no, Christian Zionism and Evangelical movement is not in any way "traditional") has always been viewed as an enemy by the Talmudists.

  5. Burn this mother down.

  6. We had a choice at the beginning of the Republic - to make this country either an 'Anglo-Saxon Commonwealth' or just a place to come and make money. By the 1820s the WASP Establshment (their term, created by one of their own out of self-hated) had chosen the latter, and the country has been in decline ever since. The decline has been masked for years behind great increases in technology and both real and paper wealth.

  7. The term 'Judeo-Christianity' is completely appropriate. The Calvinists emphasised the Old Testament and turned to Jewish authorites for explanations about it.

    Calvinism, in turn, influenced the other strains of Protestantism and eventually, even post Vatican II Catholicism.
