26 May 2012

Savate !


  1. Savate is an interesting martial art. I tend to like it over TKD because it is European. It doesn't seem to enjoy much popularity and it's not used in MMA.

  2. One should engage in any martial art. Form is not important as in a real fight it is fighters that make the difference rather than style.

    One should remember though that real fights end quickly rather than consisting of timed and numbered rounds and one should train accordingly.

    One should remember that real fights rarely end up standing and usually end up on the ground with the conquered and humiliated party suffering a gush on the forehead, partly because of a glass bottle was employed as a victory facilitator. And it is usual that a man has to fend off multiple attackers.

    Savate has nice kicks though...

  3. I remember Cuthbert Calculus telling Captain Haddock he used to be a Savate champion... never realized it was actually a real martial art!

  4. As the Frenchman said to the man who warned he was a karate expert,
