29 June 2012

Freedom In Living

All around me I hear the sound of those bemoaning their misfortune to have been born in interesting times. It's feeble sentiment, wishing things were otherwise. They're not. There's no turning back the clock. We move forward. The only sensible approach is a 'yes-saying' to life, to fortune, and a readiness to ride the tiger. The chaos brings with it certain opportunities, that, if one has been prudent, can be assumed to one's advantage. Like a bird of prey, I've done precisely that.

The advent of the InterWebs has meant an acceleration of information exchange. The quality, however, is lacking. Even the most moronic among us have it in their head that somehow their opinion matters. Many say, but few actually do. Screen time is no substitute for life. From an appropriated corner of reality we can make flesh-and-blood connections and achieve success in the field, enlarging as we go our infinite existential universe. There is freedom in living. We patrol the space beyond the borders, frontier scouts scaling the wall of time and being.


  1. in the military they called this concept "unit integrity."

  2. Spot on! Life is movement and forward motion; stasis is the natural world is rotting and death. ' life is a great adventure, or it is nothing at all,' to quote Helen Keller?

  3. I would rather be ashes than dust. I would rather that my spark burn out in a brilliant blaze than be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. For the proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time. - Jack London

  4. He who wants will find ways, he who doesn't: reasons.
