13 December 2012

A Multivariate Exploratory Analysis on the Effects and Implications of the Female Causal Factor with Observational Data

a scientifical study


  1. Longest title ever! Where am I, Piggy's? LOL. Nice picture.

  2. Ah yes I recall that study, produced by Cod et al. was it? I believe it produced some incredibly revealing results.

  3. As a scholar in this field, I find your monograph and subject matter to be of great interest and ask that you submit your research for peer review.

  4. Can I take that with me when we go over the cliff?

  5. thegentlemanfarmer14 December, 2012 08:54

    That is simply magnificent...

  6. God I love science!

  7. But.....but.....but......

  8. Science? It looks like a work of art to me

  9. lord brett sinclair16 December, 2012 04:36

    it is indeed art and a reaffirmation that there may well be a god; for this wondrous creation is surely a wonder of the world.

    plus it makes me happy

  10. A veritable tour de force of verbal obfuscation, plus a few evil portents,
    full of sound and fury, and signifying quite a lot, actually.

  11. A well rounded analysis, it appears.

  12. I think Alan Jay Lerner said it best:

    I've grown accustomed to her face.
    She almost makes the day begin.
    I've grown accustomed to the tune that
    She whistles night and noon.
    Her smiles, her frowns,
    Her ups, her downs
    Are second nature to me now;
    Like breathing out and breathing in.
    I was serenely independent and content before we met;
    Surely I could always be that way again-
    And yet
    I've grown accustomed to her look;
    Accustomed to her voice;
    Accustomed to her face.
