23 February 2013

Nine Kings

Windsor, 1910


  1. This pic occasions not only the funeral of Edward the 'Caresser' (VII) but also the pinnacle of Western hegemony, and the opening scene of Tuchman's very fine "Guns of August".

  2. No regnant queens in those days. It is a shame they couldn't have gotten Russia, Italy and Austria-Hungary in for the picture.

    Interesting, how many of them I recognized from their coins.

    Kings knew how to dress in those days.

  3. Poignant photo: Height of Western power- just before the beginning of the destruction of Monarchies, and civilization. Thanks to Wilson (no relation- Deo Gratias). JS Wilson

  4. I used to have a regal, imperialist jacket like the ones shown, and would sometimes wear it about the town, but soon discovered that a look such as this has no place in the modern world. I then sold it on ebay for tons of $$$

  5. Mine is the first standing on the right.

    Pro Patria et Rege

  6. Per Varios Casus25 February, 2013 09:34

    The calm before the storm. WWI was the worse thing to happen to the world in the last 100 years. It directly and indirectly led to so much of what turned the world into the horrid state it's in.

  7. Incredible picture, if only our leaders had as much presence...

  8. I assume you gentlemen have read "Flashman"?

  9. Sure J.W.

    Very "Royal Flash" indeed...
