01 March 2013

Northern Tresses


  1. Gold digger #1

  2. Jesus hangs behind the glass
    Above Venetian doors
    His window box boasts crimson flowers
    Fresh cut the day before

    And you couldn't find a smile
    If you nailed it to his face
    But Jesus Christ hangs his head with grace

    And if Venice is sinking
    I'm going under
    Cause beauty's religion
    And its Christened me with wonder

    They come in bent-backed
    Creeping 'cross the floor all dressed in black
    Candles, thick as pillars
    You can buy one off the floor
    And the ceiling's painted gold
    Mary's hair is red
    The old come here to kiss their dead

  3. We made love upon a bed
    That sagged down to the floor
    In a room that had a postcard on the door
    Of Marini's Little Man
    With an erection on a horse
    It always leaves me laughing

  4. oooooffff. vunderbar. JRF
