02 April 2013


Love Is Our Resistance


  1. "The assertion, found everywhere in American cultural life, that differences are to be celebrated and embraced — our “obsession with tolerance at all costs” — obscures the extent to which those differences touch on something deep and immovable."

    Stanley Fish

  2. I'm so fucking stressed at the moment (from work) I wanted to kick the shit out of the photocopier as I walked out the door the other day.

    My weekends consist of telling the driver to pull into the bottle-shop on the way home. Me buying a carton of beer and couple of bottles of shiraz then drinking till I pass out. When I wake-up I just start drinking again and go all day. Sometimes i'll go to the pub for lunch. Then i'll try and dry out the next day.

    I fucking hate these people.

  3. Looks like the backyard out over looking the Missouri River....

  4. For some reason this reminds me, there is a show on BBC Scotland called Monarch of the Glen. I watch it fairly regularly, not because I care about the characters or plot, but just to observe the show's setting (a brilliant castle) and the patriarch Hector going about his everyday life. He really has the dream life; hunting, fishing, driving a stubborn assed old Range Rover, hitting golf balls into the lake, wearing a tuxedo to boat over to your friends house for a dram, and various other idyllic ways to spend your days. I suggest you check it out for some really great escapism.
