10 July 2013

French Nationalist Style


  1. The French have this je ne sais quoi that makes them special.

  2. Ah ah! Nice post, my estimated L.B.Fogey.
    Do you know where these pics are from? I would be interested to know about the kind of nationalists we have here...As you probably know we French have several delicious flavours of nationalism, very disctintive, and I suspect the ones you show us here to belong to the "traditional catholic-sedevacantist-Renouveau Français" variety (because of their quite specific dress-code: we call this style "BCBG" for "Bon Chic Bon Genre").
    The blond mother amazes me; I did not know we had this kind of secret weapon; and when I see this, it comforts me in the opinion that the "loony Left" cannot win.Right-winged women are the best!
    Have a nice day, o thou, faithful lover of the French culture;
    Salutations distinguées,

  3. http://admiralcod.blogspot.com/search/label/BCBG

  4. The very top picture---the man with the green jacket and black collar---I own a jacket very similar, pratically identical to it. I bought mine at Walmart for $9. Maybe the texture of the material is different but mine is quilted as well with a black corduroy collar. The length is also the same. Now I'm not sure what all of this means. a man's coat, a woman's coat, expensive, or chic inexpensive
