10 September 2013

Rebel Style

1 comment:

  1. Admiral – this poster prompts the question: why is there so little Nationalist chic in the Anglo-Saxon world? Heinz-Christian Strahe is a by-word for sartorial style (and popular with the young professionals on the Viennese night-club circuit), Italian fascists are beautifully coutured (whether casually or formally) and the French embrace bon chic bon genre on the one hand or well-cut informal on the other (the under-thirties taking part in the Generation Identity assault on the headquarters of the French socialist party display not just courage but dress-sense too). Compare that with the EDL in badly fitting-shirts and council estate hoodies and (generally) the poorly presented and unfit Nationalists in the USA. [To be fair: I make an exception for a suave and personable suit-and-tie-Nazi like Richard Spencer]. It’s a flippant comment – but not entirely: to regain our Civilisation, we need to present both within and outside the political system and to appeal broadly. Yobs do not attract. This doesn’t mean submission to democracy – but it does mean a need for an English core of Thugs dressed from Saville Row (or at least Hackett and Lacoste). The young professional classes need to begin to see the chic of the right. Arguments matter –but the seduction of power, style and potential violence operates at a sexual, atavistic level. And it is at that level that the Revolution will take root. Henry
