18 October 2013

Evening Observations

In recent months I have noticed that when I meet someone for drinks at a cocktail establishment after work, and the flat-screen televisual sets are showing American football, I am typically the only chap in the place who looks as if he actually played (or could play) the game. Pot-bellied betas and wispy-haired technicians predominate.


  1. Yes, those betas predominating sports bars are indeed irritating reminders (as you often well articulate) that they also dominate the media-academic complex, government, and the Arts. I've only recently been buoyed by the revelation that this seemingly impenetrable obstacle is nothing more than a modern day Maginot Line with a clear path through the Ardennes now apparent...

  2. Do you root for the Raiders or Chargers?

  3. Having played hockey and soccer since I can remember and still in excellent shape, I find watching sports to be an utter bore with only a few exceptions (Teams Germany and Spain the World Cup for example).

  4. Perhaps you should stop going to gay bars to watch the footy Fogey.

    A cocktail bar to watch sport ? Seriously.....
