01 October 2013

Seek Order in Disorder

...and find opportunity in chaos
The pace quickens. The speed at which decline is occurring is a topic of debate within our circles. Some predict a speedy fall, precipitated by calamitous event. Disorder and war prevail. Others point to a slower descent, an undulating pattern over many years. This model, one can argue, does not take into account the effect of random variables of such singularity and magnitude they send System reeling and tumbling into the dirt. Recall the economic crisis. Hints of systemic problems persisted, but few paid them much attention, and when disaster ensued, most (but not all) were caught unprepared. For this reason we are partial to the first model. The demise of Occupied America is likely to be swift and bloody, like a bullet in the face. One can only hope and dream, that is.

Get ready. However it plays out, you would do well to have a plan. The action is certain to be local. Focus on your circle of influence, that which you can control. Network with like-minded people. And be sure to keep a list of useful information collected on your field research trips. Keep note of the location and movement of adversaries in your community. As you know, the past few decades have been a period of gradually intensifying hatreds and humiliations imposed on our civilisation. The impending instability represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get our own back. Be prepared--and be prepared to act swiftly and decisively. Be bold and take what is yours. The age of the warlord approaches. It's like 1913 all over again.

Sent from my iPhone


  1. Excellent advice. Adversaries are everywhere, especially in California.

  2. J ~ Too true. My enemies list is this long. On another note: I do hope you're continuing to post.

  3. It certainly seems so. Please be more specific.

  4. Have read a great deal here, all of it with wit and entertaining, but this is the first time you've laid the world out bluntly for what will be, not was has been. Good show, man. Damned good show.

  5. The government shuts down and the stock market goes up. Is there a lesson to be learned?

  6. Good point, old fellow, good point.

  7. re: Lagun City Council meeting - forgot to prove I was not a robot
