04 January 2014

When I joined the firm last summer I was introduced to the team. Three of my colleagues at the time were young thirtysomething men: tall, lean, clean cut, well-groomed.

But something about all three struck me as odd. It was their mannerisms and speech that made me assume they were homosexualists. I was surprised, therefore, to discover from other sources that not only were these three young men straight, but that each had a wife and children. I was not surprised to learn, however, that each man's wife was a pushy blonde bitch.

The experience led me to think more about manliness, masculinity, and what it takes to be a real chap. As I've confided in you before, I've been told that I come across to women as a 'manly' man. I've never asked them to define what this means exactly. But I think I've an idea. For me, an important aspect of manliness is a certain reserve in speech and manner. I can not abide chatty, verbose men making exaggerated gestures. Something about it turns me off and raises my hackles.

One of the young women I'm currently banging is from the East Coast and claims all men (apart from yours truly) in California are--in her words--fruity. I don't know about this, as I've met older gents here who are quite masculine. Perhaps she is referring to the younger guys who have been raised in a feminized culture.

It would be interesting to learn how young men in other parts of the country are perceived. Additional research is required.


  1. In the large metropolitan areas of the north it is very much the same. One can find many men that fit the description of your colleagues. Real chaps are few and far between.

  2. it comes to blonde pushy types, the best way to treat them, is to find brunette reserved types and date them instead. Besides, in the US, true blondes are as rare as honest competent politicians. Or as one wit from Ireland observed, "I love to stand a American Blondes on their heads, because then I am staring at my favorite whiskey--Black Bush."

  3. i do confirm your observations...

  4. New England American proles come off as soft and dopey. The more "elite" ones are skinny and weak - think Pajama Boy.

  5. Meanwhile in Sweden:

    Exaggeration, but you get the point.

  6. It is my pleasure to report that men are still men in Texas.

  7. Pushy blondes aren't usually "blonde", if you know what I mean. It's ironic that the blondes who give the hair color a bad name aren't naturally that way.

    Every natural blonde knows that brunettes are more popular with men. Natural or real blondes are baffled when brunettes color their hair blonde in a bid to get more attention. They don't - brunettes just get really pushy when they go blonde and they THINK they get more attention.

    Blonde reserved types, otherwise known as rarely spotted blondes are overlooked more often than people may think. That is one reason why natural blondes are dying out.

  8. Lot of pussies in the southern cities, not so much out in the country. The city boys are bred and educated to be girls. Have not seen a fist fight among boys in nearly forty years. Common in my day to settle disputes with fists. Now, I suppose, the big pussies steal their mother's guns and let loose their vitriol on cowering students. Kids are taught to run from trouble. I always ran to it.

  9. WAM @ 10:57 ~ Indeed. But it's hard to tell with the blondes now, since so many of them shave the damned things.

  10. LBF @ 18.09 - You CAN tell. Fake blondes will have a beautiful sprinkling of dark stubble the morning after. But you don't let them stay that long, do you? :)

  11. These are tough times for young men. Lots of them were raised by single mothers and the schools are completely feminized. When it hits the fan their learning curve is going to be very steep.

  12. Line from a movie AFTER FALL, WINTER - girls are the new boys and boys are the new girls. Lagunie

  13. just because they're blonde doesn't mean they were born blonde---I would recommend to men getting married not to marry a young woman with dyed hair. There is something fake about it obviously and it says something about the future bride. A woman should only dye her hair because it is turning or is gray. Hair is sexy regardless of color as long it is soft, shiny, and full of body. Now that's my hair lecture!!!
