03 February 2014

Mongol Invasions

Over the weekend I escorted one of my young lady friends on a shopping spree to South Coast Plaza, an upscale establishment specialising in mostly high-end luxury goods.

We were there ostensibly to find her a new handbag, although I was lured in by the Berluti, Rolex, and John Lobb stores, as you might expect.

The expedition, however, soon resulted in us standing around gawking at the throngs of pygmy Mongols swarming along the walkways. It was as if the Golden Horde itself had descended upon the place, driven into a frenzy by the sales.

When I was a young boy, growing up in New York and Connecticut, I used to imagine the battles that took place in the area in colonial times. These days, I admit to you, thanks to the mass infusion of temporary visitors to these shores, I increasingly find myself picturing the guerrilla race wars that certainly (I hope) will take place in this country in future. An inspiring thought to be sure.

"Good Lord," my girl later said to me as we walked out, "three-fourths of the people in there were Asian."

 "Indeed," I replied.


  1. You would have been better off hosting a Super Bowl party at your house.

  2. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_980innoMEvU/SMqKLqazWkI/AAAAAAAAACo/He3080lwssU/s320/yellow%2Bperil.bmp

  3. Swarms of them everywhere:


  4. I must day dream a couple of times a day at least about future race wars. Interspersed with with visions of show trials and public executions of the fuckers who let the invaders in obviously.

  5. Cam @23:16 ~ So do I.


  6. You would have been better off hosting a Super Bowl party at your house.

    A Super Bowl party by Laguna Beach Fogey? Sometimes I wonder who reads this blog.

  7. Anon @06:12 ~ Agreed. We actually hosted a Downton Abbey viewing party, interspersed with antics on the sofa.

  8. If I had but one word I could use it would indeed be "indeed."

  9. AC - This is probably the biggest reason I don't return to OC. When I visit with the Mrs a few times a year, the stark difference of the demographics is out of control. Here I am with 95% European Americans.

    Never cared for the invasion of HB or LB in the summer by the Inland hordes either. They would act like it was their personal beach.

  10. O ~ I hear you. To be fair, we visited South Coast Plaza during Chinese New Year celebration, which begs the question: why the hell is anyone celebrating Chinese New Year here in the first place? And then you have Chinese families roaming our neighbourhoods looking for homes for sale. The Asian population is out of control.

  11. C'mon LBF, these people could give you a whole new slant on life. Since they are going to take over the world sooner or later, we should relish the benefits to come. Good take out food, nice unethical massages, and a whole bunch of men who will be less hung than the average Caucasian. What's the problem?

  12. LBF:

    And these crowds all buy the tackiest shit on easy credit.

    Course they inhabit that McDonald's in NB and walk next door to the dealer to check out DEM RiMZ on the Ferrari.

  13. O ~ Yes. A lot of the Chinese coming here are the elites fleeing a sinking ship (i.e., China). A broker I know sells homes in Newport Coast and Laguna Beach and tells me most of these Chinese are paying cash. It's disconcerting to see these groups of Chinese wandering around. But then again, they and their properties will make easy targets for when the SHTF.

  14. LBF -

    Easy when the enemy comes to us for pillage. Always loved recon.

  15. You sound like Prince Philip.

  16. I'm surprised you didn't notice all the muslims in Laguna during January. A realtor told me they rent the beachfront houses for 30 to 50k for the month. Heisler Park had serious crowds of ladies with headscarfs and a good portion of older ladies with burkas.
