28 April 2014

Guards Officers In Formation


  1. They are not wearing the household division tie and their suits are very badly cut. Suspect they are from a line regiment or an orange lodge.

  2. Gunners....(RA).....

  3. Some of them look like bulldogs chewing a wasp. They don't have the privileged swagger of elite officers. Look at their collars and ties - I'm surprised at LBF posting this! I also suspect that they're from the orange order.

  4. The ties are not striped. All Guards Regiments and all other regiments of the British Army that I know of have diagonal striped ties. Even the Royal Navy, Air Force and Marines have diagonl striped ties. Perhaps this is a Territorial (National Guard) unit having a re-union but the ties....just don't know other than they are NOT a Guards regiment or any recent (last 100 years) regiment. Perhaps and Indian Regiment or Colonial Police Force like the Palestine, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc reunion.

  5. They are cavalry officers at the annual cavalry memorial parade.
